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Studio Kreative Merchandise

B2B portals like IndiaMART.com which we are using are being used by many more people like us. This has helped us to reach out to many new segments and customers.

Mr. Vijendra Rawat (Owner)
Studio Kreative Gifts & Merchandise
New Delhi, 5 July, 2013

Studio Kreative’s Run to the Top

It is an age old question ‘Are entrepreneurs born or made?’. Whatever be the answer, experience is a virtue that can never be replaced. It has carved success stories of many entrepreneurs and led them to become a learned professional.

One such story is of Mr. Vijendra Rawat‘s who developed his skills while working in corporate and chose to turn it to his advantage. He created Studio Kreative Gifts & Merchandise in 2009.

Kick-Starting the Journey
“After 12 years of corporate life, everyone wants to know what next? I realised my experience in sales and marketing will help me in any kind of new business that I will start. I met my seniors from corporate business and my colleagues who had done MBA with me and realised very soon that gifting market is a great market to enter,” says Mr. Vijendra Rawat, owner of the company.

What gave him an advantage over others were his sales, marketing and direct marketing skills acquired during corporate years.

Combination of Luck & Hard Work to Counter Challenges
According to Mr. Rawat’s beliefs there are two key challenges that a person faces while setting up a business – capital and talent. He says “With luck and hard work, we managed to get the right kind of talent for our company while capital was not an issue for us.”

Sourcing as an IndiaMART Achiever
“Sourcing is one of the most important parts of our business. We always select unique products. We have a very thorough and long selection procedure for our vendors. We check the quality and their manufacturing facilities. We always believe that long term business with any vendor and trust factor are key to making good and quality products,” says Mr. Rawat.

He also maintains that internet has a big role to play in terms of business expansion. He adds “B2B portals like IndiaMART.com which we are using are being used by many more people like us which has helped us to reach out to many new segments and customers.”

Internet – Link to Customers
With the presence of internet, companies have started leveraging its services to reach out to potential and existing customers. It is increasingly being used for sending product information. “We are using every technique for sales and marketing to touch base with our clients – mailers, sending our sales force to our key clients. Once a user is in our mailing list, the mailer goes to all the old and new clients,” says Mr. Rawat.

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