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Matra Gold Coatings

We have created an excellent range of product base and no matter how much of business card one prints or no matter what web commerce one puts, if you don’t attract the footfall inside your showroom or inside your E-commerce site you are not able to sell. IndiaMART.com has sorted that one issue for us.

Mr. Pankaj Bhandari (Managing Director)
Mantra Gold Coatings
Chennai, 07th February, 2014

Mantra Gold Coatings Blessed with Success

It was in the year 1998 when destiny met fate and gave birth to a vision that has been named Mantra Gold Coatings. The fate of Mr. Pankaj Bhandari was sealed with entrepreneurship the day he decided to leave his job for a shot at heading his own business. “I was working for Birlas and at that point of time I realised that I can’t take orders and the only journey for me which was possible was to start my own enterprise. That’s how it all started.” shares Mr. Bhandari, Managing Director of the company.

Blessed with the Decision to Turn an Entrepreneur
The decision to enter into a highly skilled based industry stemmed from the realisation that home based temples were high on demand. “Today in the modern day, pooja practices are getting revived specially by the youngsters who are coming back strongly. So we thought at one side we can do work for temples and the other side we should start working even for Ghar mandirs or home temples or Pooja rooms within the house. So then we started entire range of what will be required for pooja rooms,”shares Mr. Bhandari. There are a number of artisans who are helping manufacture gold plated artisans, gold plated lamps and gold plated pooja rooms concepts. “Pooja rooms becomes a temple for a person within the home. So that’s why we got into this business.” says Mr. Bhandari.

Building an Envious Workforce & Infrastructure
“We are working with 27 team members who have been with us from more than about 14 -15 years now. We have handicraft artisans on contractual basis with us. We specify what is the kind of pooja room concept which will go. So based on our designing we have a senior person from Tamil Nadu Handicraft Corporation who is retired and who is heading our team. On that contractual capacity on sheet materials and idols work we are able to do 200 square feet per day.”

Obstacles are Figment of Imagination
For Mr. Bhandari, his biggest challenge is his mindset. He says “If I can expand my mindset, I can expand my business and there is no pinpointing any challenges because the biggest obstacle is how can you think larger.”

Internet – Critical Part of Today’s Business
Interestingly, it was Mr. Bhandari’s clients who made him connect to the internet. “My customers kept saying and kept coming from UK and America with the feedback that they were not able to buy my products and was able to show your products. So when they pressurised me, we started looking for options, so we created an E-commerce platform, professionals guided us on what has to be done and that’s how we went ahead in the digital space. if it wasn’t for them, I would have been nowhere in this space,” says Mr. Bhandari.

IndiaMART Achiever – Heading for Growth
“See what happens we have created an excellent range of product base and no matter how much of business card you print or no matter what web commerce you put, if you don’t attract the footfall inside your showroom or inside your E-commerce site you are not able to sell. IndiaMART has sorted that one issue for us, says Mr. Bhandari. He maintains that with IndiaMART showcasing his products to the world and to people who don’t know them, its surprising that they are placing orders without even knowing who they are, and deposit money into their account. He says, “This could be because, one IndiaMART has projected us internationally and secondly, I am sure they love our products and they have confidence in us.”

Success Manta
According to Mr. Bhandari, every company can ensure organic growth by customer acquisition, servicing the customer properly and those customers in turn can get tens and hundreds of customers on basis of customer relationship management.

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