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IndiaMART.com Simplifies Online Search for Business Users

  • Launches city-wise search on trade.IndiaMART.com
  • Aims to encourage local trade
  • Focuses on enhancing online experience of visitors

New Delhi, 8 October 2010: With a view to further simplify search for the B2B players in the internet space, IndiaMART.com India’s largest online B2B marketplace, has launched a new filter option on trade.IndiaMART.com, offering city-wise search. Through this filter, IndiaMART.com aims to provide impetus to local and regional trade. Moreover, this feature intends to take care of sourcing needs of the buyers in a particular city, making suppliers in their region accessible to them.

Acknowledging the same, Mr. Dinesh Agarwal, Founder and CEO, IndiaMART.com, said, “We have been working towards providing easier and user-friendly interface to users of our B2B marketplace. The city-based filter on trade.IndiaMART.com is a result of this continuous quest to innovate and provide enhanced experience to our patrons. I am sure that such value added services will significantly aid them in meeting their requirement conveniently.”

IndiaMART.com aspires to provide smooth navigation coupled with quality trade leads on the portal with the introduction of the city-filter under wide range of industry verticals. This will also lend optimum online exposure to suppliers and convenience to buyers in locating suppliers as per their region and requirement. Aimed at increasing business interaction, it will foster better relations between buyers and suppliers leading to faster business dealings.

This is not the first time IndiaMART.com has taken an initiative to offer better search procedures. Early this year, it had brought a state-wise tenders list under its Free Tender’s banner with a view to help the small and medium enterprises by cutting down the time element. The city-filter on trade.IndiaMART.com takes its efforts to the next level, bringing buyers and suppliers within reach of each other.