Best Indian Sites,
Criteria for the Evaluation of BestIndianSites’ India’s Top 50 Websites
While evaluating India’s Top 50 Websites, following parameters were taken into consideration by the appraisal professionals:
1 )Traffic ratings by various traffic ranking tools
2 )Crosslinks with search engines/other sites
3 )Ratings on various Quality parameters: Load Time, Browser compatibilty, HTML validity, Contents, Site Design
4 )Listings in Major Search Engines
While DOB(Date of Birth) is also an important criterion for the measuring the success of the site, these ranks were not taking that into account. The different parameters have been assigned different weights and corresponding ranks were calculated, which we call “BestIndianSites’ Index”.On the basis of this index, final ranking is done.
These Rankings will be updated on the monthly basis.
Last Updated : 13-06-2000