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Travels off the beaten track

The Times of India,

Sites on the Net that help you zoom in on new holiday destinations

For Travel buffs who are in search of places which are yet to be discovered by the masses, check out allindia technologies for a holiday with a difference. The section titled off the beaten track lists about 40 -odd destinations which are not your regular tourist stuff. Each place is depicted by a photograph and just a click gives you the required information.

Listed on the site are destinations like Sirhind near Chandigarh, Khajjar, Hampi, Diu, Chitrakoot and very own Sultanpur bird sanctuary.
There are general backgrounders on the places listed with the detailing of historical significance wherever relevant. Details about the places are not listed which preserves the element of surprise and adventure on a holiday but facts regarding how to reach, accommodation available, sight seeing options, and other necessary information is available at the site.

A site worth for some great holiday destinations.

Among the various sites on the internet offering information about travel opportunities to wild and exotic places, there is http://www.indiamart.com which gives information about companies promoting adventure and cultural tourism in India.

The list details on the Ladakh festival, Rajasthan festival and various safaris. Companies like Sita Travels, Crystal holidays, Exotic tours, Renaissance Reizen, Travelite and so on are listed in the site. Adventure tours to the Buddhist circuit. Leh-Ladakh, tailor made packages to suit all budgets are the main attractions of this site.

Another website for travel buffs is http://www.inetindia.com which has a list of all other web sites dealing with travelling within India. Tour operators and travel agents, the best rates on offer in various hotels, agents who arrange trekking trips, tours and ticketing are all listed at the site. There are also a few sites where details about trips to Nepal are listed. Information regarding various airlines and their official addresses can also be found at one of the sites listed here.