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With workplaces being shut down due to the nationwide lockdown, millions of households are suffering from a cash crunch and do not have access to basic healthcare amenities. On account of the escalation in the cases of COVID-19, the Company Management felt the urgency to extend support to those in need to tackle this difficult situation.

Extending aid to tackle COVID 19 – Emergency Health Care Kits

  • We fostered our aim of rendering aid to the marginalized sections of society during the pandemic through this initiative
  • We diligently acquired and distributed more than 200 Emergency Health Care Kits primarily to workers, housekeeping staff, security guards, drivers, washers, cleaners, etc.

COVID-19 Aid Initiative – Distribution of Oxygen Concentrators

  • Understanding the severe pressure on the Healthcare system, we took the initiative during the pandemic
  • Lack of enough medical equipment and supplies, especially in Delhi/NCR lead us to step forward.
  • The team vigilantly carried out the procurement and distribution of more than 100 Oxygen Concentrators, to around 25 different Hospitals, Medical Institutions, and Health Centers in the region

COVID-19 Emergency Response

  • We supported our NGO Partner ‘Sahyog’ in the distribution of PPE kits and masks
  • It was distributed to various front line workers in the Government and Private Hospitals in Delhi NCR