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Government launches job portal for MSMEs; registration doesn’t work

The government has launched a website for job seekers and employers in the micro, small and medium enterprises sector (MSMEs) to provide job listings in the manufacturing sector for both, reports ET. The government plans to add more features to the site along with other sectors, especially the services sector, which could also benefit entrepreneurs.

One year to make a job site?

So far, two people had registered on the site, which the government claims took a year to make. However, a Mint report states that over 200,000 people have registered on the site so far. While the ET report states that job seekers will not be charged to use this portal and the industry will be , the Mint reports that the portal will be free for both job seekers and the industry for only the first month.

The government said that it launched the site after some people employed and unemployed said that they were unaware of opportunities in the manufacturing sector at worker and operator levels.

Registration with unnecessary details

There is no information on the homepage of the site where job seekers and employers are offered either a login or a registering link. Clicking on registration takes the user to a page where they’re asked if they undertook any trainings at government centres across the country, a trainee name, date of birth, mobile number and Aadhaar number, although the Aadhaar number is not mandatory.

The login ID “sneha” was not available, but after registering with a different ID, the portal sent me an SMS with the login and password. Post logging in, it gave me another giant list of things (father’s name, mother’s name, why?) to fill out, true to government style. After filling these million details, there was a “Save and continue” link which is where my hunt ended as the link refused to work, much to my frustration. I tried registering on both Chrome as well as Firefox but to no avail.

The coolest part, and I mean it, about the site is that it allows one to select “transgender” as an option in gender selection while filling out other unnecessary details.

NIESBUD Naukri for unemployed skilled people

A year ago, the National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), a training institute under the Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprise, had launched a dedicated job portal targeted at unemployed skilled persons.

Dubbed as NIESBUD Naukri, this portal allowed users to search for jobs based on job category, skills experience and salary. It also enabled users to browse through jobs based on location, industry and function among others. It also had plans for professional career services, and the portal was targeted at people in MSMEs who were job hunting.

The registration for the site was then free of cost, although the site offered various packages for employers. The organization claimed that more than 127 companies and 3,600 job seekers had registered themselves on the portal during the trial phase last year.

Other developments in online recruitment segment:

– Last week, online and mobile classifieds portal Quikr launched a dedicated job search section that allows users to search for full-time, part time, freelancing and other employment-related opportunities.

– In November last year, Monster tied up with CSC eGovernance Services India Ltd, a governance portal by the Department of Information and Technology, to launch a new e-KYC based job portal for rural India. Through this portal, village level entrepreneurs could help job seekers with an Aadhaar number upload their resume and access the services of the Common Services Centres (CSC) for jobs. This isn’t the first time Monster has provided technology support for rural job portals in India. Earlier in 2009, it had partnered with ITC to create RozgarDuniya using the e-chaupals kiosk network.

Read more at www.medianama.com

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