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Automotive Solutions

We get about 70 to 80% of our business enquiries of our total sales from Indiamart and we really encash all of them.

Mr. Sachiv Dhawan (CEO)
Automotive Solutions
New Delhi, 12th June, 2014

Automotive Solutions: Painting colours of success

After gaining 13 years of industry experience with a paint company, Mr. Sachiv Dhawan, CEO, Automotive Solutions, finally started his own venture, in spite of facing constant barriers in the process. “We began with the automobile industry in 2005 but when we saw there was a recession in 2007, we started moving into different industries,” says Mr. Dhawan. With recession hitting down every industry, Mr. Dhawan gave immense thought to his next move, before finally hitting the nail on its head. “We thought about moving into pharma, into medical line, into electronics industry, into defense and now this year we have entered into aviation industry,” he shares the different options he might have chosen during initial struggles.

Prior Industry Experience is a Bliss
“When it comes to paint industry, nobody thinks of it as innovative. Paint is used everywhere, right from the shirt you wear to the car you drive, from the aircraft you are in to everything you see. Color is right from your room walls,” Mr. Dhawan tells how his prior experience helps him continue excellence in his business.

Proceeding with Pace
Automotive Solutions proceeded in a swift pace within a couple of months of establishment. “Within two months time, I got my biggest client which was Glaxosmithkline. We started working with that client and it was a strange surprise that a company like IndiaMART can give you such a big customer on a free listing. Till date, 15 to 20% of our total sales goes to Glaxosmithkline. With that name on our list, we got plenty of other customers also,” Mr. Dhawan reveals the secret mantra of his quick run to success.

Assistance from IndiaMART
“We get about 70 to 80% of our business enquiries of our total sales from Indiamart and we really encash all of them,” Mr. Dhawan talks about the benefits received from IndiaMART. On being asked about adopting other ways of marketing, he says, “I don’t have a salesperson because ultimately, my business runs on the number of business enquiries I get. A good salesmen for me is who gets business for me and IndiaMART is doing that for me.” “If you keep a sales person, he would not charge you less than Rs. 50,000, which means you are spending Rs. 6 lakh a year. Still, you need internet to sell it. I spent about 3 lakh rupees on IndiaMART, that is half the cost of a salesman, delivering tremendous results,” he elaborates on choosing IndiaMART instead of a salesperson.

On Expansion
“I initially started up just looking in the Delhi-NCR market. Later we moved to pan-India market. In 2014, we are planning to start exports because now we are getting global orders also,” he gladly explains his road-map of expansion.

Satisfied Customers Directly Proportional to Company’s Success
“The success of my company depends on the satisfaction of my customers. We do not say we are 100% perfect. Instead we say we are 95% perfect but that 5% of balance comes from the customer’s end. That is the reason we say our guarantee comes with warranty,” Mr. Dhawan assures complete customer satisfaction for his products.

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